On October 16, 2024, traditional events dedicated to the Day of Spiritual Harmony were held in Astana.


Letters of Peace and Friendship

1) Dear Brother Bawa! Those 10 years that had passed since that awful tragedy, overwhelmed the whole world and changed a lot in our common history.  In stead of victory over extremism and terrorism we could burn new flash-points of them all over the earth space, which became one more evidence of the fact that it is impossible to adjust those colossal differences, which exist today between different points of view using only power methods regarding existing relationships between different countries, religions and continents. Every action produces reaction. Every violence produces more violence. So we can only regret those deeply decision errors, which the leading politicians of the world have rendered, trying to find and punish, it should seem, the main perpetrator and killed hundred of thousands innocent people, broke up communities of people, which had been founding for centuries, leaving anarchy and internecine wars after that. This means that it is impossible to shift the values of one people and state to different people and state, inasmuch as every ethnos, every country, and every people has its own specific history, its own set of mind, culture and spirituality. On the basis of this there are completely different world perceptions.

That activity we are engaged into is dealing with these problems. A person who thinks and acts for the love of his or her near and dear, kindred, state, slits all the intrinsic processes, which are taking place in human civilization development and cannot step over the bounds of his or her own  narrow-mindedness. Unfortunately when being a politician such a person becomes a victim of his or her own convictions and will never be able to deal with problems for the benefit of the mankind. And according to it, those ideas which we are promulgating and bringing up consist in that every person who is responsible for many things will be able to pass the limits of his interests, limits of the state interests, be inspired with the solidarity of human civilization, and in the end live with one history and one future.  Take it or leave it. Because the Earth is very small to admit all the interests, ways and aspirations which have been discussed earlier.
Cherishing the memory of thousands of your countrymen passed away I want to believe that at long last we shall be able to build a bridge of mutual understanding, peace and accord through spiritual culture, between all those who are staying at different poles now.  

Wishing success for our common cause and also charity and light, your Brother Tolegen Mukhamedzhanov

My Very Dear Brother Senator Tolegen,

I am so glad and heartened to read your reflections and conviction. Violence Only Begets Violence! You are A Very Wise Man indeed. Thank you so much for sharing your deep sentiments with me. I shall always Treasure them.
The sudden rise in disasters, Man made and Natural around the World are No Coincidence. It is the result of all that we, as a Human Community, have done to abuse our Environment and inflict suffering on our fellow Human Beings.
I have a firm Conviction and Abiding Faith that through all this suffering, Human Conscience will be elevated and we shall usher in a " Era Of Spiritual Renaissance". This period is coming soon.
We have to prepare to spread this Conscience throughout the World. The coming Generations will be more Sensitive and Respectful of each other and then Harmony and Love can Prevail in the World.
It is this belief that guides me to believe, that what you and we together are doing, will indeed be for the Greater Good of All of US.
I look forward to our Sojourn Together and pledge to you my Total Commitment to Build A Culture of Spirituality -Spiritual Concord with Astana as the Spiritual Capital of The World!

Wish you all the Very Best.
Warmest regards and lots of love,

2) Dear Brother Bawa!

Thank you so much for your understanding of those problems, which are agitating me now. Because of everyone’s future, the future of our fellow human beings, our children, our descendants, our people, our countries, our civilization depends on solving these problems.  Human community, which is living according to the up-to-the-minute profit, is destined to oblivion. It is prohibited to be like an insect, which having appeased hunger and thirst, dies. A human being is then a human being, when he is created by God to think, ponder, contemplate, create, build, and strive for perfectness, for self-cognition, for your own place in the world. I am glad that you have a firm conviction of human consciousness and Spiritual Renaissance Era. Human body is corruptible, and human soul is immortal. And if each of us will leave some part of his soul for the descendants, the lightest future we all believe will come. Probably by intuition, probably this is my way in life, when for decades I have been disturbing by these problems. And according to my not large opportunities I have been trying to do something, sometimes having sleepless nights due to impossibility to solve some problems. May be only then, at such moments of spiritual despair, I find supporting, understanding, sometimes not knowing from whom, but I feel with all my heart that I am watched. Simply today I have written the following phrase: “As it is impossible to see God, it is impossible to hide from Him”. These words can be also referred to the previous words.
I am looking forward to your arrival in our capital. I am very excited by your words that our capital is the Spiritual Capital of the World.

With warmest wishes of light and good,
Yours Tolegen

Dearest Brother Senator Tolegen,

I am very deeply touched by your sincerity and sensitivity. I can understand very well what you are feeling and have been going through. I share that sometimes too.
Our character is shaped through the difficult moments we confront. I hope it makes our resolve even more stronger to work on all that we are so passionate about.
It is my dream to see people like you from all over the World come together. That will be some moment - The Brightest Moment full of Divine Light. I share in what you have dedicated your life for and look forward to our Relations growing Stronger and Deeper. We share a common destiny. Together, we can see the World we Dream of.
Lots to share and strive for.

Very Warmest regards,