October 18 in the frame of the Day of Spiritual Accord, at 14:00 (GMT + 6), Nur-Sultan (Kazakhstan) will host an International conference themed: "Strengthening interfaith and interethnic harmony as an answer to modern world challenges ".


Report made by Susana Roberts, Argentina – the Vice-Director of the IFLAC (International Forum of Literature & Culture), the member of the Global Harmony Association

TOWARDS A NEW WORLD, WITH A HARMONIOUS LANGUAGE. Today large organizations NGOs, government institutions and no governmental institutions and others groups are joined in healthy cooperation and friendship with the responsibility to overcame the present human being crises that are destroying humanity. These organizations during the last World Forum of Spiritual Culture warn us that danger is imminent, complex and large-scale planetary. Changes are possible and they come only when we implement within the spheres of society the principles of harmony; some of them are cited in the way how we use words in the field of Literature (IFLAC- Global Harmony Association , World Academy of Arts and Culture) among others organizations that are  in the same struggle for an universal well being in the way to rescue values and the right of peace for  peoples and nations as an urgent step for writers who with their creation are awakening conscious in the Literature,  without this basis of harmony we cannot give the first one.

Our purpose in these organization is to protect life and every expression of life on earth as every living creature in the nearby area with the theory of harmony that achieve positive and sustainable change for the development of life on the planet.
In this eminent turning point, this new paradigm takes a leading role the information, technology and group of power that dominate masses
Goodness, goodwill and understanding, friendship, the simplicity of the spiritual values of beauty and truth are tools for the education that they are not foreseen in educational plans, and they have no been promoted as a preventive measure".
We love our planet as our home, we must to protect it, so it give us a feeling of real brotherhood of goodwill, a feeling that, after all, we are truly members of one big family that all depend one on each other. This would lead us to a genuine love and respect nature and us. The very concept of war not only would become remote but it would instill in us real shame and remorse when we think of our past human actions throughout our earthly history. In this way, we would become genuine peacemakers, which would classify us as truly beloved children of God, our common Father.
Ethics education must aim at the development of critical analysis of conflicts and build a great recognition in students in their individual and social responsibilities, the desire to make things right and make the world a more inclusive and fair.
Several communities in the world are creating important bases for the transition collective consciousness of humanity from a culture of war to a culture of sustainable peace, from violence to harmony; developing theories, such as the philosophical and sociological theory created by Dr. Leo Semashko-Russia: the “tetra sociology”, based on the integration of the social spheres: it provides a global culture of peace built on a natural order of social harmony in the four areas: technological field, social area, Organizations and things. In this theory, the possibility of change is in the core of society and its development mainly focusing on children as a priority. In this regard, the organization must prepare instructors and have to obtain government support for projects to be developed in a long term.
The interaction of humankind and cosmos: principles of life sustenance ,safety, diligence, honesty, wisdom, politeness, justice, spirituality ,modesty , moderation can be achieved in a harmonious order as long as we understand by harmony, the principles that govern it, which are:
To know: that transition from tolerance to consensus requires respect, understanding, dialogue, and compromise..
Understand:. Without tolerance, people polarize and create antagonism, chaos and disharmony.
Comprehend: that the source of harmony comes from a standard measure of balance that limits human aspirations for wealth, power and other resources.
Realize that specific communities establish standard measures in specific times and places
Recognize: that consent is the conscious and mutual acknowledges of standard measure for harmony in a democratic way.
Appreciate: in order to ensure indestructible peace, a culture of consent must be formed during childhood by means of education and upbringing based on the love, peace and harmony.
Believe: the consent require brotherly, solidarity, cooperation, freedom, and recognition, of equal dignity of all people.
Achieve: conscious, consent can be committed to the values of harmony as a way of life, thoughts, feelings, conversations and all social behavior.
Therefore Social harmony cannot be revolutionary but evolutionary achieved through gradual processes eliminated social ends and antagonism. Each nation will gradually develops their own means to create a harmonious society with a suitable framework  within an  alternative to the global information society and harmonious XXI century without resorting to violence,  a harmonious multipolar order is created , the possible way for an enduring existence  of mankind and the only alternative to the degeneration of industrial societies at risk.
A culture of harmonious peace could assure the harmonious relationship between statues areas and types of spheres in the society. Peace in history has always been a military peace, a peace supported and subordinate to war, characterized by expectations, approval, and the bases of going to war. This war stained by peace has resisted the longing of an eternal peace, hopes, dreams and wishes were taken into the bosom of the religious expectations, as peace developed by many cultures as something that is “fighting for" and "to die for." Only in recent decades, peace is been understood as a basic human right obtained by peaceful means.
The basic attributes of a harmonious information civilization are:
- Social harmony is inseparable from the values of respect and understanding for one to another, kindness and gratitude, tolerance, goodwill, compromise, forgiveness, reconciliation and dialogue. Only within the structure of the bases of the harmonious spheres is possible give love to another human being and only within those bases people is equal and necessary. Class harmony of spheres transformed the love of children in the love of one another, as a political force of nonviolence to achieve consensus. This love becomes unconditional and fundamental based on the most powerful social foundation of the kinds of areas within the population. Harmony is the way to create eternal peace and it continues creating qualitatively new global values, love and peace.                  
Dr. Ada Aharoni (2001) is a pioneer of the idea of a culture of harmonious peace. She becomes a researcher of peace, world-renowned poet, founder and president of the Culture and Literature Forum for Peace (IFLAC)., those faithful to her example, many of us are part of this forum. As a vice director in Argentina and South America  I  attempt to build bridges of culture and art to communicate with literature the principles of writing a path of Peace.
In this art is necessary to train the words that produce vibrations and connect us, in this way they can fulfill their urgent mission to serve humanity. in my book," the flight 's bird I say if  the human being unique and noble to understand the world without differences during its passage through life, maintain good relations during  its existence, they learn, and comprehend  the life cycles  built within a unique map of understanding, creating  bridges, building roads, sharing cultures, becoming  for the sole purpose : evolution.
Writers that Pave Peace trough Literature and culture will be the founders of a new generation that happily will be surrounded by a friendly climate where to live in harmony and peace consequently. In our writings, we consider ethical feelings those related to high moral values, classify feelings of solidarity (to other rights), responsibility (to other obligations) and feelings of transcendence (to the same values) must include ecological feelings (related to species and Nature in general). We can also add ethical emotions: compassion, friendship, sociability, hospitality, kindheartedness, kindliness, warmth, and cordiality. Peace Poetry That Acts on moral conscience is able to induct the reader or the listener behavior towards pro-peace, in Literature there are specific and non-specific techniques (onomatopoeia, alliterations, metaphors, rhythmical, rhymes Producing Ethical feelings and emotions:
Poets like me try to be these birds communicating integral values at a time when humanity is lack of them and it should be more active and intelligent in fulfilling true destiny and obligations. Finally, when people achieve to be joined in harmony, their souls will be more enlightened. They will respond to appropriate impulses that emanate from the internal aspect of the cycle of life, and then there will be a constant adjustment between life and ways and a rapid improvement in global conditions.
The verb allows us to be communicated in this human chain, where men and women are equal after many centuries of slavery. Woman's voice more than ever must protect children; they are our priority, they have to obtain success in a full harmonious education since short age. To accomplish this, words must vibrate from the womb in true harmony with the cosmos.
The logo the verb is the light of the world, matter is silence. The human being is a being eternally concerned about their origin and purpose, the origin is the key to any being.  Words of love create harmony and welfare as a base of every relationship. “Love tomorrow who has never loved, and if you loved, love tomorrow”, advice: Urbi et orbi. Exist the mandate no to speak of God in vain, there should be a mandate not to speak in vain of love or beauty, or justice, of goodness.
Language is changing the way of being in nature. At least our nature is not always understood,  hence the importance  the use of words, with words we say love and with words we say hate,  scientific knowledge describe the universe, but the verb cannot be a science of the being , science can only tell us when the word die, it will die with  the death of the speaker.
Anton Chekhov said: "Art has this particular greatness: not tolerate lies" Poetry is an art that transfers beauty, and produces educational reflection.  It is necessary an urgent call from all areas as an ultimate goal supported by universal trainers who work for global change our intellect and being as a manifestation of the cosmos. The purpose in this art, Literature ,writers and poets is  to create harmonious words in their works among creators , cultures along the world’s  villages to form in this way, the great universal consciousness to save the planet. Rabindranath Tagore said: I slept and I dreamed that life was happiness/ I awoke and I saw that life was service/I served and I saw that service was happiness.
Peace is a human right in the Culture and Literature for Peace that has the intention to move and arouse ethical feelings and ethical emotions through the enhancement and exaltation of peace among others human values pro-peace, like solidarity.
Education for the third millennium must include one logical thought oriented to discovering the truth trough stability and adaptability, a creative thought that may facilitate the Self Learning, efficiency with velocity through positive incidence; both aspects correspondent to the brain hemisphere, matured by a solid formation in values and moral habits over a pillar of the culture ( regional, national, and universal from a global perspective) A Universal  Cultural Attitude...
Only the alternative trend of harmony between nations and the newborn harmonious civilization can overcome the culture of violence and its apotheosis. To develop harmonious thinking, we should master the alphabet in a harmonious language, both at individual level and social level in schools and academies
Only harmonious democracy can give rise to a culture of harmony by teaching new spiritual culture in the education developing a harmonious person. This will lead to prosperity of all people and all nations – all of them identical in harmonious spiritual truth, justice and humanism.
The main goal of IFLAC  is to strive toward the promotion of Peace and Mutual respect between people and nations promoting social, cultural ideologies, tolerance between people, In this way eliminate violence in all its. IFLAC organize peace culture researchers, writers, intellectuals and friends of literature; also encourage creativity that promotes culture and Peace.
To promote PEACE include: Freedom from war, public security, harmony, concord, serenity through Culture, the development, improvement, refinement of the mind, emotions, interest, manners, taste, as well as the arts, Literature, customs and skills. The culture based in all these values, can create, mediate and transfer values, ideas, traditions, interests, people, generations, nations, and civilizations by this power of transmitting cultural patterns of the present and the past.
I agree with Pablo Casals when he said every man has inside decency and goodness , if we can  listen ourselves and act in consequence we are doing what the most the world need, it is simple but require courage to act in consequence.
My advice: “Keep the internal flame of peace lit as a compensation of all war .It is a duty to receive it and give it away, to circulate”.
“To obtain Peace you need to be a good watcher of life, heal some miseries, cultivate respect, love differences and be ready to give it with joy to other hands”
The everyday pray: “Everyday we see the faces of the big insult, power and poverty, ¿How could we live in Peace? We should win the worst of battle: Human Injustice”
“Peace is not possible without an education in Spiritual Culture; in consequence we have the conscious of transferring knowledge as the primary goal in this human chain we must to provide each other”
Poetry of Susana Roberts, is from a woman of Spiritual frontiers ( This Argentinean poet does from her soil  a global one in this pilgrimage teaching , is a permanent fight to rescue human values like the only way to safe humanity from chaos) Dr Manuel Quiroga Clérigo-Dr in Politics Sciences of University of Madrid.
Her work in poetry has  related to nature, the way to change inspiring people for the better, evolution is a word created by her in all her writings she says:
... People of Peace go on, connect cultures, she is an example of evolution-(Psychologist - M,.Ragozza-Argentina).
Her goodwill is constant occupied in every universe. Her own world is full of good intentions, preaches peace, shapes the vision to achieve a real brotherhood among people of the planet..(Dr .Carlos G Chalén-President  of Latin America Union.)                              
First International Anthology for Peace in Argentina:  “Literary thoughts for Peace”-